Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Training on Establishing School Garden Report

Training on Establishing School Garden for Nutrition, Literacy, and Entrepreneurship was held in SEAMEO BIOTROP headsquare Bogor, Indonesia. On 27 - 31 March 2016.
This training was participated 53 teachers from 5 provinces in Indonesia. The participants learned about how to maintain the students' nutrition through gardening, encourage them to consume more veggies and fruits for healthier body. Educate them the benefit of eating balance nutrition. And also help the school how to start gardening in their yard, such as planting, composting, watering, and harvesting. This training is not only giving the material but also give the opportunity for teachers to practice how to seedling, mixing the fertilizer, build the hydroponic set, and harvesting the veggies afterward.
For literacy, BIOTROP collaborate with SEAMOLEC and SEAMO RECFON trained the teachers to make the report by blogging, recording, photograph, making journal, and proposal.
The School garden aims to get healthier, cleaner environment, and ignite the entrepreneur spirit for the students. The students can counts the capital for the seed, cultivate and growing the plants, harvesting, and make it become delicious snack such as mushroom crisp, spinach crisp, veggie stick, an so on. They sell it in school canteen or shops around the school. They may get profit for their pocket money. Here's the rundown of the event:
Day 1
Opening ceremony:
Speech from the director.
Introduction to SEAMEO and school garden project.

Day 2
Mini exhibition in One Stop Shop.
Harvesting Hydroponic crops.
Material-Discussion: The importance of nutrition for students by dr. Drupadi
Material-Discussion: Composting for household by Dr. Arief Sabdo
Practice: Composting for household by Dr. Arief Sabdo

Day 3
Material-Discussion: School Garden model for nutrition, literacy, and entrepreneurship by Prof. Anas
Material-Discussion: Hydroponic production of veggies and fruit by Dr. Arief Sabdo
Practice: Hydroponic production of veggies and fruit by Ms. Riana Hartati
Material-Discussion: School Garden as Project Based Learning by Dr. Abi Sujak and Dona Octanary

Day 4
Material-Discussion: Vegetable cultivation by Mr. Didi Junaedi
Practice: Vegetable cultivation by Mr. Didi Junaedi
Material-Discussion-Practice: Facilitate gardening literacy in school by online, by SEAMOLEC staff
Discussion and Action Plan: Making Action Plan by Dr. Jess Fernandez

Day 5
Presentation of action plan by participants.